honestly that old irish tradition where the two people getting married would receive a cut in the palm of their hand and then hold hands so that their blood intermingles and they become family is sapphic as Fuck omg
making llms so accessible (as in duckduckgo) is ableist because it makes you develop bad habits ("oh no finding this info is so hard i'll ask chatgpt")
i said to people "arc is a useless meme and you should never touch it" and they said I was wrong
look who's laughing now
It's necessary to eat to stay alive. Don't forget to prepare and eat regular meals! I mean in real life. There's no hunger meter in this game, that would kinda suck.
gonna be the first dutch poster on here. op weg naar de Jumbo liep ik door een tulpenveld. toen ik de bocht om ging bij de windmolen kwam een van mijn klompen vast te zitten en werd ik onthoofd door een van de wieken. verdrietig!
@sleepybisexual what if the girl is an object huh? what about the sinkdogs out here
@tauon @ellie I’m @puppybytes everywhere. I made a few 10k tumblr posts before I dropped off of that site entirely
yk I’m new and all, but I haven’t seen people with the same @ and display name. I wonder how deranged I look
I wonder how many fedi posts have more favourites than redogs or whatever they’re called. seems really hard to ratio someone in that way
everyone go follow my goat @puppybytes its new to fedi give it a warm welcome ^.^
some of these new emoji combinations are so lame dog, at least make the bulb listen to the stethoscope