boiler inspection finished! it’s a relief to know that my home isn’t going to explode from a gas leak any time soon.
having a gas water heater is so sketchy as a concept to me
we used to have it in the house i grew up in, but it was tucked away in the basement. here it’s in my hallway and very visible
@uint8_t true. but i’m renting and this is the only thing about this flat that kinda sucks
@mae we got gas heating few years back because you could get a grant on the merit of it not being coal so like, Yeah
@mae @uint8_t do you want me to talk about the fucking gas oven at my place (something like this but even older
@quinn @uint8_t dear god
mine’s a vaillant atmotec plus
@mae like, you won’t be able to heat your home with coal/wood from this july in our province (although if your heater and installation are up to par with some newer regulations, you could use it until 2027? no idea if that’s actually true)
@mae Wait this apartment has a single heater for a single apartment 🫣
@lilyvanilla @mae yes (at least mine does, so i wouldn't be surprised)
@lilyvanilla nope, it’s one central water heater that controls an array of radiators in my living room, kitchen and bathroom (durchlauferhitzer)
@mae Ah that’s more reasonable - I lived on central heating for three years now ^^