
snowfall angel

on the topic of sexuality in general
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i don’t rlly get why sex is seen as this like , scandalous n inappropriate thing . and why like some people beleiving there shouldn’t be like , sexual education and stuff . like ive always seen it as a bodily function ultimately . i do think it has some level of sensetivity that should be respected but idk why some ppl are like very weirdly “NO !!! NO SEX EVER !!!!!” like its odd 2 me lol

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@ellie sex is BAD !! you should NEVER have it !! its for Bad People !! /j

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@ellie Religion. Religion is always the answer.

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@ellie ngl the only people who should be saying "no sex" are aces& such tbh. but not in an anti-sex, just in a "that's not for me" way.

as with most things... blame religious cult indoctrination.

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@Li @ellie sex is probably the first motivation humans have ever experienced and will remain as such forever. any attempt to control it or squash it will forever be dictatorial imo. as an ace i don't care if people do it, i do it very infrequently, i just don't have that motivation! it's weird to pretend any of this is untrue
re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@Li @ellie I think also people with trauma! and children! they should be allowed to say no and be sex repulsed

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@elysia @ellie yep yep! hence "& such".
there's always people who don't wanna do it. 100% your right to say no.
but being *against* it existing is fucked up & weird.

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@Li ( as a christian girl ) i definitely think it is a sense of Shame that led so many people in religion to have this general “sex bad” idea . it’s the objectification of it , its removed from an act of love and instead treated as a transaction , n these ppl treat it as such , and thus become ashamed of it

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@elysia @Li Yeah !! being sex repulsed is a completly different thing , i was moreso talking abt the attitude some older cishet ppl have abt topics like this and how much they kinda put it on a pedestal

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@rgbunny i dont think its always that . like i am a christian girl and i grew up in an environment where it was pretty openly talked about and taught - i think its more of a general societal thing , though religious practices can definitely influence it in some ways

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@ellie Society is influenced by religion, yes. It's so pervasive that even non-religious or people from other religions blindly believe in it.

The impact of Christianity all over the world through colonisation should not be underestimated.

I also posit that before religions like Christianity came about, people were more open about sexuality. This is why these religions oppose sexuality so much in their doctrine; they need a way to distinguish themselves from people who aren't part of the religion, and while they're at it, might as well say the out group is inferior: uneducated, uncivilised, unenlightened.

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@rgbunny yeah ! i agree with u

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@ellie It's really cool you have a Christian community that's more open about it though.

If only I could say the same for the rest of Christianity GWtogaSataniaDead

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@rgbunny i dont rlly practice christianity by like going to church or stuff , im pretty disconnected from it all tbh skfkdkmhmgh

like i was closer to it as a kid but now i have kinda my own personal beleif system that is kinda unique to me i dont rlly do any of the staple catholic things dnmdjgkdh i just rlly like the bible !

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@ellie Mythology-wise, the Bible is pretty cool!

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@ellie I was going to say something about “sex repulsed people say ‘no sex’ for a good reason” (which I get was missed in this interpretation but like. it’s notable) but then I realized. if anything societal pressures around sex are having the exact opposite of a positive effect both ways. There’s always people who are like “NO SEX!!!” and then you tell them you’re ace and suddenly they’re trying to coerce you into feeling things that aren’t there and the mantra flips on its head

As someone who’s incredibly sex positive but also ace: Sex is something that really shouldn’t be forced on anyone (see: invert the standard aroace narrative). but at the same time if people want to learn they should be able to (see: literally just remove the restrictions people have). At the end of the day sex is always going to be taboo, at least somewhat so, because it’s as intimate as it is and it’s something that’s easy not to be comfortable with seeing I imagine

EDIT: Perhaps there are societal pressures as well but I don’t want to be pressured the other way into putting my body out there when I don’t want to (“when I don’t want to” is quite nebulous because I tend to call myself a slut a lot and I have few boundaries but at the same time I’m not going to consent to everything)

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@wish this post wasnt abt people who are sex repusled , its abt the way older cishet ppl at large approach it like its some Scandalous topic . thats a mistake on my end the wording was ambiguous lol my bad

re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@wish but i 100% agree w what ur saying

very briefly mentions abuse, re: on the topic of sexuality in general
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@ellie I figured and you’re definitely right about that but I think it’s nice to mention regardless. I think my main point is that it’s always going to be taboo because of the contingent of people (both sex-repulsed as a whole and those who aren’t going to open up immediately (also see: victims of abuse)) that are going to want to avoid it; I feel like inherently being a bodily function that needs other people when bodies are such an intimate thing is always going to make things difficult