- , internalized transphobia
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i get so , so sad seeing trans women using 4chan speak to belittle themselves and put shit like “manmoder” and “will never be a woman” in their bios . they judge themselves in such scathingly sharp ways and get lost in cycles of this self loathing hate train . i hate seeing channer transfems comment under pictures of people who pass , saying “i dont look like you i need to off myself” or “you have it easy in life , passoid , you do not deserve to complain abt being trans”

this is why i hate 4chan so much . it infects trans people with this vitriolic self-hatred that turns into them just being activley transphobic to other people while tearing themselves apart . it’s self harm . people make the fact that they ( in their own opinion) dont pass their whole persona , it’s all they talk about . it’s like an obsession with blind self-hatred .

and when i see someone like this , i want to distance myself . i dont want to leave people like this alone , i want to help them , but this constant stream of negativity is too much for anyone to handle , including the person spurring on said negativity . i hate what this sort of culture has done to so many trans girls who just do not deserve to be in this infinite rut , it’s horrible to see

- , internalized transphobia
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@ellie i just wish i could help people alot of the time and when i try i often get pushed away (figuratively) but i just want to help them